Thursday, January 29, 2009

Best Printer For Envelopes


"As we were young now," In any criticism of their album states that want to become the new Escapado mikrokosmos23 from Dresden. This comparison can only smile, shaking his head. Sure, here is an occasional scream and written strictly in German. That's it then, but even with the similarities. Where Escapado sound most desperately angry and rarely drift into indie realm, there are a microcosm as it were the reverse.
Yes, even here there was a certain melancholy, but overall still the hunted rather governed by the indie-punk rock filter instead of the desperate Screamo / New School club. Come out as a great vinyl on Kids In Misery, and soon to be seen in Munich. I can not wait.


"The Next links Download!

"Farian" Download!

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This Town Needs Guns

hard Just as the name sounds, this young band from Oxford, London, fortunately is not.
This mix of Math-Rock & Indie is just terrific and very excited for the dreams.
I know why this is so, Minus The Bear boom Death Cab For Cutie.Diese beautiful lyrical texts on "Love, Loss & parties" are simply great and somehow give a logical merger undeceptive the one that the music sounds like a feeling of complete joy conveyed, without being able to simply listen to this music übertreiben.Man it in almost any mood and is thus repays one for Alltimefavourite mich.Außerdem they are in Big Scary Monsters even signed, the label shoots for the time anyway just horny things to the market.

On their latest album "Animals" which was released late in 2008, it has pretty good aufjedenfall varied Tracks.Besonders great I'll find that every song on the album has its own animal name,
one of them is me particularly impressed:


Who does not: abtschekken!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sprem Easy To Swim To Egg

Loma Prieta

Ah, one is always another before I go to bed actually issued.
Loma Prieta times are not an exception from Italy, France and Germany have, but it more or less dedicated to the classic style of screamo. Usually, however, because they sound
far, because, unlike many bands that direction can be found in their songs quite strong bonds of modern progressive rock variety. Not change the fact that the music is still plenty of desperate, manic comes across makes, but for the necessary bit of autonomy. Granted, this music can be with me hardly anything make false, but the "Last City" -12 inch rotating at me again significantly more than the outputs of some other, reputable Terer bands of this style. Urgent check out!


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The findings of the day ...

euphoria! Ecstasy! Come back down! Short reflection! Euphoria again!
But, today was a good day. Seems like I'm actually pretty easy to make happy. Give me everything as I want it and already I am calm and enjoy. Nerve or people with whom is not running quite so much go to plan.

work great.
I'm tired.
little drunk.
Los Campesinos! are the best thing the last few years in the worldwide indie rüberschlittert area to us.

Let's see when the Downer is. I'm going to sleep for the first time. Good night, world!
morning, then again more exciting in the field of arcane acoustic art.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bleeding After First Period After Giving Birth

Teen Cthulhu

What I learned from this evening in any case? The Internet forgets sometimes really nothing! And certainly not when it comes to make a mess of well-known horror standard literature in the band name is. Sun appears then itself as a band Teen Cthulhu, which have almost only fit in the period 1998-2003 giving us incredible underground existence in the course but must time in any tasteful blog again.
offer is a mix of symphonic black metal and, um, chaotic Hard-/Grindcore. Rather skewed, and also provided pretty great stuff befitting with under-ground lumber production. Must it be, so this is done. But ... Oh, listen for yourself!


Lbp Profile Transfer?

Buried Inside - Spoils Of Failure

Sometimes just happened but even signs and wonders. Laaaaange four years after their Magnus Opus "Chronoclast" is actually on 21 March of the look "Spoils of failure". Once again on Relapse, this time produced by Matt Bayles but not by Kurt Ballou, which should enhance the already great sound of the band again. To hear there are already "V" on the MySpace page of the band and makes me even more awesome to look up to this band than I already do. But even listen and mark my words: album of the year, folks. Now!

buriedinside /

What Does Cervix Feel Lime Before Menstrual Cycle

Oh No, It's Birds

Oh No, It's Birds are from Roseburg, Oregon. Not that it somehow would be of great importance, but I wanted to mention it yet again.
any case, and that's more important is Oh No, It's Birds cheeky. Like any good new band and they have namely a MySpace profile and on this myspace profile are naturally indeed indications of their influence. There are found in them such great bands like the Beatles, Hot Cross, or At The Drive-In. That is commendable. Only: it is a different band, to which one has to think about 1.4867 seconds required when "Electric Church" attaches to the complete demolition of the synapses of the listener. For this most obvious of all factors found on the MySpace site itself absolutely no clue what it is now seen either as wohlwissentliche, precautionary false pretenses or just as bold.
ashamed need the trio (another an analogy ...) for their music in any case not the most appropriate. The three very young-looking men master their instruments and write confusing, but sophisticated songs with ants in properly. Exactly the right one, stuff to again maintained to hammer his head against the table edge next best and still have fun with you.


PS: The first to recognize the target influence and posts a comment gets a card industry.

PPS: Thanks to Rick for the kind information.

Fsx Deluxe How Many Discs

Well what have we here ...?

"normal" after all work has some advantages over the life as a student. One of them ( next to the living above the poverty line ): Time.
which has one hand you never have enough, yet so often already too much. They are then so the moments in which the question arises of how to actually spend the hours after work as meaningless. Since the solution of problems of this world already taken other is you might as well go despite living in a city not every day one of the perceived three parties and two concerts per capita, has just killed the Internet time. And what about in times of post-Web 2.0 as jump better than even later on a long train already left and the WeltWeitWeb hope to extend for another unread blog?

Here we go!

Thematically, I'll try not to limit myself, my focus, however, Acoustic Art (mostly) put away from the mainstream, in this case, however, times from and to other topics which strip burn under the nail or sometimes with full throttle dive into the depths of the purest nonsense ( Pulitzer Prize-suspicious symbol, anyone? ).

Anyway: Read! Commented! Let you out of my disability!
Let's see how long it stays exciting here ...