Oh No, It's Birds are from Roseburg, Oregon. Not that it somehow would be of great importance, but I wanted to mention it yet again.
any case, and that's more important is Oh No, It's Birds cheeky. Like any good new band and they have namely a MySpace profile and on this myspace profile are naturally indeed indications of their influence. There are found in them such great bands like the Beatles, Hot Cross, or At The Drive-In. That is commendable. Only: it is a different band, to which one has to think about 1.4867 seconds required when "Electric Church" attaches to the complete demolition of the synapses of the listener. For this most obvious of all factors found on the MySpace site itself absolutely no clue what it is now seen either as wohlwissentliche, precautionary false pretenses or just as bold.
ashamed need the trio (another an analogy ...) for their music in any case not the most appropriate. The three very young-looking men master their instruments and write confusing, but sophisticated songs with ants in properly. Exactly the right one, stuff to again maintained to hammer his head against the table edge next best and still have fun with you.
PS: The first to recognize the target influence and posts a comment gets a card industry.
PPS: Thanks to Rick for the kind information.
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