Over a few countries in this diverse planet in every way we know so little about how the North Korean side. After the Korean War, the country has completely sealed off for several years and is again one of the "rogue states" of this world. Images is get away from Kim Jong Ill to-face portraits of almost a thing impossibility. More surprising that an American team was actually left along with other representatives of the press into the country to shoot on a strictly choreographed tour footage may be.
Granted, the article is highly colored American, there is a relatively good look (or at least what we think it) in a country that is moving so far away from our democratically dominated imagination, you can sit finally just there with my mouth open know if the incredible effort that operates the nation in vain, to leave yourself in a dazzling light there. And just as it did in the movie review, for which one is quite some time should take and no means to perfection scratches (disturbing the previously mentioned American world view and partly bad blatantly transparent understanding for the culture in which one moves even), above, is seventh, the more the question: How can this country who ever has functioning nuclear weapons? North Korea has broken down internally so that is reminiscent of a war with not even begin to outside.
But see for yourself!
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