Oh lala, long nothing more from my side was. One may excuse it. But today in two attacks initially a status report of the crash basis, and later a more hype-heavy by the binary code front. So here now nobody can complain about a lack of variety.
Then times from the post.
purpose non-quenching of the effeminate readers now follow first: Battle!
Made in the USA, straight forward as possible and always beautiful between melancholy (sometimes), and building positive (often) swinging the guys with "In Remission" annon 2008, a formidable debut album delivered and should also live leave "like a fighting dog on the playground. " are ways to satisfy themselves that this, it in March when the band goes along with the Canadian Grave Maker on extensive European tour. Past watching announced, if not mandatory.
number two in the league today are LoFi Inferno from Munich. Do not be irritated by the band name. LoFi is nothing for it but pleasant and passionate play varied. The lyrics are in German in solutions, and shouted against the moments of resignation and all that other crap is still rather. Why did could break even a lot. The debut album "The Ballad" is on the way and definitely knows convincing. Keep it up!
survived So, hardcore phase, now there's something for real men. Tombs are got signed to Relapse, which yes, in and of itself and every noise anyway schonmal lover should at least be tempted to listen to. Because I think this maybe a little stand alone because now again the urgent request: Listen and buy "Winter Hours". A crazy album. The almost perfect mix of Mastodon, Kylesa and Celtic Frost. States: Dirty Rock meets Crustpunk and Black Metal. Reef walls are built on the running belt to be diametrically torn again. Monumental and essential. Also in: there is a lot!
respect, now twice more wild. Next: Neuropathia from Poland.
Make: wild punk-heavy grindcore with a love of obscure B-movies and violent riffs.
This: A truckload of adrenaline not only for domestic use. Zines on the pleasantly subtle titled disc "Satan Is A Cunt" and "Satan Owns Your Stereo." Besides Antigama probably currently the best thing that has to offer Eastern European grindcore scene. Ah fuck it: Besides Antigama probably currently the best thing that has to offer the entire European grindcore scene.
And at the end again Grindcore. My current favorite band in that division, Magrudergrind have schonmal two samples of their summer appearing Willowtip debuts on their Myspace page provided to the most splendid set thrashing since ... yes, promise since their last album. Quite wild, quite mad, and recently provided with Nasum Memorial vocals. Nevertheless Magrudergrind still unmistakable. Yeeha!
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